The Clay Studio School, Galleries, and Admin offices will be closed on Monday, May 27 in observation of Memorial Day.

Any Guelmann

I am interested in the interdependence between appearance, meaning, and value. I build vessels evocative of the female form to investigate the bonds between “beauty” and measures of worth, the human gaze, and the universal urge to ornament the body. They are fired in wood kilns, often more than once. Some are adorned with gemstones and water-cast metal after being fired; others are decorated during the firing through deliberately placed wadding and ash deposits. In my most recent work, I inquire into every woman's existence as a daughter by forming and firing these vessels not individually but in relation to one another—a mother, a tribe—considering the dynamics of being known and invited or rejected and estranged; protected or exposed; belligerent or soothed.

Woman with Short Hair


Woman with Short Hair


Woman with Short Hair


Woman with Short Hair