Sandi Pierantozzi

My current work fluctuates between complex, embellished, slab built forms with a white satin glaze, and more simple forms with highly decorated, colorful, slip inlay surfaces. Going back and forth between very active and highly decorated work, and quieter surfaces that enhance a more complex form, allows me a wide range of expression. I am inspired by the world around me. Nature, architecture, jewelry and bead design, pattern, especially fabric designs, are constant sources for me. I grew up around fabric and it continues to inspire my work. I have chosen to make functional pots because I appreciate food, celebration, and setting a beautiful table. In this "age of communication," where most communicating is done electronically, and so much food is being eaten out of paper, plastic or Styrofoam, my hope is to have my humanity show through my pots, by bringing some creative life into eating and drinking. A handmade pot contains the soul and energy of the maker, and when used, a human connection is made. These basic connections between people keep our souls alive.

Dragon Boat Vase


Dragon Boat Vase


Dragon Boat Vase


Dragon Boat Vase