Matthew Zimmerman

Matt make pots with a story, to enhance everyday moments. Spending most of his life in Bucks County, PA, Matt is a product of this area and has a great history here. He makes pots that have a deep history here as well. Pots have been made from our local red clay for hundreds of years, that tradition went away, but he thinks it’s worth bringing back. Matt wants people to have a deeper connection with the things in their home and believes our customers want that as well. Matt makes wood fired pots made from our local wild clay mix. There’s something special about holding wild clay in your hands. Food for past generations grew from it. The roots of great trees held it tightly. The rain waters carried it off the field and along the water ways of our community where it eventually found rest. It has stories to tell. Matt's pots were born here and want to connect us with something bigger than ourselves.

Dutch Meadow Cup


Dutch Meadow Espresso Cup


Dutch Meadow Cup


Dutch Meadow Espresso Cup


Dutch Meadow Cup


Dutch Meadow Espresso Cup

Dutch Meadow Cup


Dutch Meadow Espresso Cup