The Clay Studio School, Galleries, and Admin offices will be closed on Monday, May 27 in observation of Memorial Day.

Hide Sadohara

My functional vessels exploit the property of porcelain, which is a demanding and unforgiving material that requires directness and clarity. The preciousness of this clay tends to gives me specific ideas in shapes and surfaces. I have been seeking and experimenting with the idea of developing my own genre or stylistic establishment by simply relying on the intuitive and repetitious process of throwing, and random oxymoronic words that gives me a impressionistic impulses in my stylistic direction. Some those words are “quiet expressiveness” “disposable preciousness” “intended doodling” “guided intuition” “fast stillness” “simple ornamentation” and so on. The shapes of my work might be as familiar as generic Americana pottery but somewhat “expressively modernized” and hybridized as for a new generation.

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