Elizabeth Langyher

I see my practice as an act of discovery – seeking the elusive edges of emotion and memory by translating their imagined shapes into objects and installations. I lean into symbols and metaphors, poetic language, and abstraction as a way to explore themes of grief, wonder, and personal narrative. In this way, I find myself constantly revealing and concealing the story I wish to tell, both to myself and to others. With its constantly developing form, the ‘cloud’ is my preferred metaphor for the retelling of a memory or of a dream or of a feeling. My objects, installations, and poems are all a part of this retelling, this cloud. A continuous symbol throughout my work, the cloud is an amalgamation of what I think of, dream of, look at, and long for. It is the horizon blending ocean into sky, the smell of smoke coming over the mountains, the magnolia tree in the backyard. Each piece is from a fistful of visions taken from a dream, from the past, from places just beyond the hand of language.

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