Joseph Hoopes

I am inspired to create whimsical designs that playfully engage with their material while illustrating the almost magical alchemy that is conducted to bring start to finish. Combining traditional analog processes with digital fabrication practices, I aim to create a library of tools and forms that bridge traditional methods with a contemporary technological approach, capable of obfuscating the true methods of creation. I aim for my work to engage with the viewer so that they may interact with it and upon closer inspection may begin to decipher the methods by which it was made. I am driven by conducting studio practices through the means of the scientific method. In my 3D modeling, metalsmithing, and glasswork, the significance is the action of becoming that the material must first experience before its soul may be forged into something completely new, which takes a new form with new features and new functions. I imagine that the exertion of energy in combination with intention and curiosity fosters the birthing of this item’s soul. ​ I adore the stories that objects may tell us, simply by allowing the item to speak for itself through its physical attributes. Materials such as Metal, Glass, and Clay all are known for possessing shape memory, which can reflect the order of actions conducted upon them. Additionally, every little bit of ornamentation is imbuing each object with more and more soul which it will bear for the rest of existence. Then these objects can go out and live in the world, where they will be engaged with and appreciated. Telling their stories to anyone who wishes to listen.​ ​

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