Holly Rose Moore

Per the National Geographic, “Evolutionary adaptation is the adjustment of organisms to their environment in order to improve their chances at survival in that environment.” I explore this phenomenon through the narrative of visitors from space finding their footing in our world. These biological anomalies adapted to Earth’s biomes, were then collected as specimens for further study, and eventually put on public display for educational purposes. As a mixed race tomboy kid I never fit nicely into the standard boxes set by society at large. I was extremely shy, and very good at staying occupied with my eyes glued to the ground; scanning for cool rocks, tickly bugs, or anything that felt good to hold in my small hands. As an adult, I learned my gender could be described as non-binary, and thus began the process of embracing my place in the fluid, unrestricted spaces of society. Realizing I could travel my own path and still qualify as a whole person has been my evolutionary adaptation.

Mini Roach Cup


Mini Roach Cup


Mini Roach Cup


Mini Roach Cup