Bianca MacPherson

My creative endeavors predominantly explore the intricate facets of my mixed identity, delving into the profound question of where I stand within the intricate tapestry of our world. My ceramic sculptures serve as a tangible representation of my life as a mixed-race woman. These abstract pieces enable me to challenge the established racial hierarchies, classification systems, and the complex issues surrounding personal identity and a sense of belonging.My material process begins in clay and situates me in a position of power. Through the creation of amorphous ceramic sculptures, I reclaim and reshape a narrative that has been obscured. The perpetual interplay between my desire for inclusion and the pursuit of an authentic individuality shapes the thematic core of my work.Navigating the dichotomy of belonging to multiple realms while feeling wholly distinct from either, I frequently find myself traversing the delicate balance between two cultures, often feeling akin to an outsider or an extraterrestrial observer. This exploration sparked my research journey into the genesis of mixed identities, seeking to unravel the nuanced experiences and historical narratives of individuals like myself within the diverse landscape of America.

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