Janet Burner

ARTIST STATEMENT 2023 Clay as Art is my goal and inspiration. The human figure, my life's experiences, and images from nature fascinate my imagination; smooth surfaces, texture, movement, and contrasts are often incorporated. I bring my 54 years of experience to every lump of clay; to shape from nothing, a piece which lives beyond myself with dignity and pride. My intention as a potter was & is a spiritual one, to be one with the earth. My love for drawing, painting & sculpture is present in my work. At this stage of my career I am more interested in making “Clay as Art”.

Carved Fish Bubble Jar


Raku Ginger Jar



Carved Fish Bubble Jar


Raku Ginger Jar



Carved Fish Bubble Jar


Raku Ginger Jar


Carved Fish Bubble Jar


Raku Ginger Jar
