Marcel Artes Deolazo

Work made is a continuous journey of the drawn line and it has taken be some time to use ceramics as a medium for my illustrated work. My journey continues to mix techniques such as fiber and ceramics and other mixed media techniques to further my skillset and work for illustrated ceramics and bigger sculptural work. As the years progress returning to the US my competency for working in clay as the backdrop to my mostly illustrated work which is focused on 3D forms in clay where previously my concentration was on 2D on paper and illustration board. Working on future mixed media sculptural comes where there is a a combination of techniques and construction of sculptural forms that convey a message or to leave the audience moments to ponder the work in its mediums and construction

The Crocodile Fighter Chawan


SMOKE BDSM smoke box

Smoking Girl_Incense Burner


The Crocodile Fighter Chawan


SMOKE BDSM smoke box

Smoking Girl_Incense Burner

The Crocodile Fighter Chawan


SMOKE BDSM smoke box

Smoking Girl_Incense Burner


The Crocodile Fighter Chawan


SMOKE BDSM smoke box

Smoking Girl_Incense Burner