Carrie Ohm

My work begins with objects. Sometimes it centers around objects. The work becomes exciting when stories start to integrate with and develop through these objects. I begin the process of investigation from observations of things in my daily life. I use the objects I observe as a sort of mnemonic device or marker for my thoughts, like a buoy. The objects lead me to their meanings as stories develop around them. Discerning meanings as the objects take shape is an integral part of my working process. This way of working allows me to keep my thoughts moving. A major theme of my work has revolved around the idea of holding on and letting go. Recently, I’ve been thinking of different inflatable objects, containers for air, and the unassuming importance of the part where breath goes in. I have been making buoys and floaties and pool imagery for years. As a lifelong swimmer they remind me of childhood and possibility and the promise of security, but also struggle and growth, beauty and calm. I love all of that. I also love the chameleon like nature of clay that has the ability to mimic the appearance of an inflatable object, while having qualities that contradict the bouncy airiness of those floating friends and make it much more like a rock.

Open Swim



Open Swim



Open Swim



Open Swim
