Sasha Koozel Reibstein

I have an obsession with transformation and alchemy that manifests itself through sculptures that undulate between soft and hard, alive and static, reality and fantasy. I freeze the moment when one thing metamorphosizes into another, offering only brief glimpses of clear representation when serpent becomes succulent or solid becomes liquid. Fragility and vulnerability are captured through tenuous and off-kilter drip formations that simultaneously appear to be rising and falling, abstractly depicting creatures either on the brink of collapse or mid-awakening. I am particularly interested in the idea of hope and illusion, wanting to offer lush forms that entice through obsessive detail and shimmering surfaces which appear too brilliant, too seductive to be what they seem. This is in part a response to being a transplant from the East to the West Coast and a reflection on growing up with the idea of the California Dream and the acceptance as an adult of the illusory nature of this idyllic perception. This narrative acts as a surrogate for the larger American Dream and the unfortunate reality behind this mirage. It is my hope to take advantage of this dissonance to embrace the unknown and fantasy as a means of escape and to perhaps offer solace in the form of the unexpected and alchemic.

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