Beth Lindenberger

I am not so interested in copying nature, but responding to it. Structures, fragments, systems, referencing objects large and small; microscopic, telescopic, and that which can be viewed by the naked eye. Shapes and forms relating to the real world, symbolic of the microscopic world, suggesting their ecology and morphology. My forms and surfaces are inspired by microscopic organisms and objects of pro-generation; engaging, interacting, effecting and suggesting potential. Cells, seeds, and the pods from which they emerge, are the connection to the continuation of a species. Made in both porcelain and red earthenware, the surfaces are sometimes glazed, shiny and soft, other times unglazed and dry, much like that found in nature. Some sharp and foreboding, others voluptuous and inviting. Where some are individuals, others may be grouped, stacked or part of larger spatial compositions installed on a wall, affected by placement and scale, and interaction. They change and are affected by their environment and each other. They are fragile, yet have delicate strength. Forces are applied, relationships created. Whether seen as individuals or part of a system, I think of these pieces as part of a larger environment.

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