Neil Patterson

Neil Patterson Brief Pottery Statement Two Sentences I make one-of-a-kind pottery that is designed to be a part of daily living while inviting people to pause and think. Using the soft material and giving it structure, I strive to make work that will be as timeless as the art form itself. Paragraph: I am lucky enough to have discovered early in my life that I am a potter. I form my stoneware pottery on the wheel and by hand building. I feel certain that for as long as I am alive I will take the Earth's body into my hands and form it into containers for sustenance. To experience the potters’ attention to volume, texture, weight, color, and space while savoring a cup of coffee or a bowl of soup is one of life's sublime pleasures. More recently I have been making sanctuaries to creation and animal forms in addition to pottery. My more sculptural work enables me to extend the conversation and my hope is that you will slow down enough to wonder, and be curious, and ask questions. We live in a violent world. I consider it my mission to help create a culture where hand made objects matter deeply, where they enrich our lives. To create a world where destruction, consumption and violence are overcome by creation, respect and non-violence. To create a world worthy of our perfect natural one. One piece of clay at a time.

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